New Vacancies At NAOT, November 2024

Posted 2 months ago - By Tanzanian Employer #76 - Over 10 Potential Applicants


The National Audit Office of Tanzania (NAOT) is the Supreme Audit Institution of the United Republic of Tanzania headed by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG). Its mandate is enshrined under Article 143 of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. The powers and mandate of the CAG are clearly stipulated in Sections 11 and 12 of the Public Audit Act, and its Regulations, 2009. The powers, functions and responsibilities of the Controller and Auditor General have been governed by three different constitutions enacted since Independence. The three constitutions being referred to are, the Constitution of 1962 of the Republican of Tanganyika, the Interim Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1965, and the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977. These three constitutions had explicitly stated the Constitutional mandate, powers, functions and responsibilities of the CAG as the controller of funds from the Consolidated Fund and auditing of the use of such funds. These constitutions had further elaborated on the powers of the CAG such as to have unrestricted access of books of accounts and any other information that are subject to audit. Moreover, this constitution have all along provided for independence of the CAG that when performing his function, he should not be subject to any order or direction from any Government Department or any person on any issue concerning such audit.


The organization is inviting applications from suitable candidates to apply for new vacant positions.  READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:

National Audit Office of Tanzania (NAOT)National Audit Office of Tanzania (NAOT) Vacancies
Apply Before: 23 November 2024
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