New Vacancies At TCB Bank, November 2024

Posted 2 months ago - By Tanzanian Employer #76 - Over 18 Potential Applicants


Tanzania Commercial Bank (TCB Bank Vacancies) is a public institution where the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is a majority shareholder with minority stakes held by the Tanzania Posts Corporation, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, Posta na Simu Savings and Credit Society, Public Service Social Security Fund and Workers Compensation Fund. The Tanzania Posts & Telecommunications Corporation (TP&TC) came into being to cater for the Tanzanian market. TPB was formed from the now defunct TP&TC. TPB was established by the Tanzania Postal Bank Act No. 11 of 1991. On Monday the 29th of June 2015, the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania repealed the Act and on the 29th of March 2016 the bank was incorporated under the Companies Act (Cap 212) as TPB Bank PLC. On Thursday 19th January 2017, the bank unveiled it’s the name TPB Bank PLC to the public as well as its new logo and tagline (Grow with us). To provide convenient banking products and services through  the deployment of innovative solutions,enhance value to  stakeholders and contribute to the socio-economic needs of the country. The TCB bank Vacancies  is an equal opportunity employer.


The bank is inviting applications from Tanzanians to fill new Vacancy Positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:

TCB BankTCB Bank Vacancies
Apply Before: 24 November 2024
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