Aga Khan Foundation Consultancy for TUINUKE PAMOJA Baseline - November 2024

Posted 2 months ago - By Tanzanian Employer #73 - Over 10 Potential Applicants

RFP for Baseline Evaluation Consultancy


Project Location: Dodoma Region, Tanzania

1. Introduction

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of private, not-for-profit, non-denominational international development agencies, institutions, and programs working primarily in parts of Africa and Asia to improve the quality of life of communities in remote and resource-poor areas. AKF programs encompass Education, Health and Nutrition, Early Childhood Development, Agriculture and Food Security, Climate Resilience, Work and Enterprise, and Civil Society.


2. About TUINUKE PAMOJA Project

Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania and Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP), with funding from the Embassy of Ireland Tanzania, are implementing the TUINUKE PAMOJA PROJECT in Dodoma Region, Tanzania. The project covers all seven Districts of Dodoma and will run for three years from July 2024 to June 2027. The project aims to enhance collective action for gender equality in Dodoma through community groups, creating an enabling environment for grassroots groups to access resources that will facilitate changes in their communities and strengthen women’s actions in Tanzania to promote gender equality.

3. Objectives of the Baseline Study

The overall purpose of the study is to obtain data to provide baseline values for all indicators on the TUINUKE PAMOJA project expected outcomes. This will enable AKF and TGNP to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of the program. Specific objectives of the baseline studies include:

  • a) Collect quantitative and qualitative data against the project’s Outcome indicators, as outlined in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), to set appropriate targets for each indicator.
  • b) Collect additional data beyond the PMF Outcome indicators to establish a detailed gender profile and inform project implementation.
  • c) Use baseline data and lessons learned to identify recommendations and propose relevant adjustments to project activities.

The study population will include women, men, elderly individuals, adolescents, boys, and girls residing within the project areas of implementation.

4. Evaluation Methodology
  • 4.1 Research Designs: The baseline evaluation will use both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data will be collected from the project location in Dodoma Region. The selected consultancy firm will prepare the baseline survey methodology and tools, which will be adjusted in consultation with AKF and TGNP and pilot tested before the study begins.
  • 4.2 Data: All primary data collected will be disaggregated by gender, sex, age, disability, education level, location, occupation, and other inclusion dimensions. Data triangulation will be used, and secondary data will provide additional insight. The evaluation firm must adhere to Tanzania’s data protection and privacy policies.
5. Specific Tasks of the Consultant

The consultant will be responsible for:

  • Submitting an inception report with methodologies and interpretation of tasks.
  • Securing necessary ethical approvals for the study.
  • Conducting a desk review and developing data collection tools.
  • Training enumerators and conducting the baseline survey.
  • Processing and analyzing data, presenting findings, and submitting a draft report.
  • Presenting the draft report for validation and submitting the final report.
6. Ethical Standards and Safeguarding

The baseline study must abide by AKF’s Safeguarding Manual, and all members of the consultant team must sign AKF’s Safeguarding Statement of Commitment.

7. Expected Deliverables and Timelines

The consultancy firm’s deliverables and due dates are outlined below:

  • Inception Report: Due December 2024
  • Finalized Data Collection Tools: Due December 2024
  • Training of Enumerators and Pilot Study: January 2025
  • Data Collection: January 2025
  • Draft Report: January 2025
  • Final Report: January 2025
8. Key Competencies

The team lead should possess at least a master’s degree in Sociology, Gender Studies, or related fields and have at least six years of experience in conducting surveys, particularly on gender-related themes. The team should also have experience using Open Data Kit (ODK) or other data collection software.

9. Eligibility and Application Criteria

Applicants should submit brief proposals in English, including:

  • Capability Statement: Describing the consultant’s experience.
  • Methodology Description: Including approach, timeline, and role of each consultant.
  • Links to Work Samples: Demonstrating relevant previous work.
  • Financial Proposal: Detailing estimated costs in Tanzania Shillings.

Applicants should submit their proposals by email to the specified addresses by midnight on December 3, 2024.



Apply Before: 30 November 2024
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