New Vacancies At Mwanamke Initiatives Foundation (MIF), November 2024

Posted 2 months ago - By Tanzanian Employer #76 - Over 5 Potential Applicants


Mwanamke Initiatives Foundation (MIF) is a non-governmental, nonprofit organization focused on facilitating dialogue, networking, information exchange, and skill-building for the betterment of women, youth, and children in health, education, and socio-economic aspects. MIF aims to implement global strategies locally to address community-specific challenges effectively. MIF works to uplift communities in Zanzibar and Tanzania by promoting education, health, and economic development, aiming to eliminate poverty, ignorance, and disease through leadership and collective efforts. Our Vision is to be Progressive and empowered communities free from ignorance, poverty, and diseases in Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland. Our Mission is to inspire communities to sustainable action and provide strategic leadership through coordinated and concerted efforts to improve education, health and economic status of women and youth. We are here to work with everyone who believes in excellence and who believes in oneself as a talented and dedicated leader. We offer various positions to the well dedicated personnel. At MIF recruitment process is free of charge; As far as career development and job opportunities at MIF are concerned, we exercise our policy of “no racism, no religious influence, and gender equality”.


The organization is inviting applications from candidates to apply for new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:

Mwanamke Initiatives Foundation (MIF)Mwanamke Initiatives Foundation (MIF) Vacancies

Apply Before: 29 November 2024
Apply Now